
How To Confirm A Date With A Guy Via Text

27 Fun and flirty ways to start a conversation with a guy over text. What you demand to know to keep your crush interested and wanting more.

Figuring out ways to start a conversation with a guy over text can be nerve racking. You want to come beyond as absurd and confident, without beingness cheesy. Just what to say to him?

In existent life, smiling and saying a unproblematic "Hi" is nearly all you need to become a conversation started. Unfortunately, texting doesn't work that way.

Maxim "Hi" lacks imagination and is boring and dull. Not to mention that it doesn't give your conversation any real period at all .

How To Start A Conversation With A Guy Over Text - Lead with confidence!

Making a skillful first impression by sending him that first text is important. That's where this handy list of conversations starters to text him comes in. You lot tin utilize these to assistance ensure that your conversation gets off to a smashing outset.

Subsequently y'all become the ball rolling with a nifty opener, the ball will exist in his court. Then depending on how he replies. You lot'll be able to gauge his level of interest. Every bit well equally, if it's going to be the start of a proficient lucifer, or not.

How To Start A Conversation With A Guy Over Text

ane. Lead With Conviction

Yes, sending the beginning text is bold. Simply, it too shows major confidence, and y'all aren't afraid to go after what you want. You may feel nervous nearly it or be asking yourself…."Is information technology fifty-fifty ok to text him starting time?".  And yep, sending off that first text tin feel intimidating. Only the truth is that it's totally ok to message him first. Fifty-fifty if you just met.

Notwithstanding, y'all don't want to over do it. And be the one putting in all the work. All of the time. Afterward you initiate, you have to give him the space that will permit him to come to y'all.

For more on the practise's and don'ts of texting a guy starting time read my mail here.

how to start a conversation with a guy

2. Be Original And Engaging

These days you have to be a savvy texter to stand up out from the crowd. That means the "Hey", "Hi!!"' and the "How are you?" texts are just no longer an option.

As well beingness utterly boring, these types of messages can be a total turn off. In fact in one survey conducted past OkCupid, found that sending someone a "Hey" message is totally ignored by users a whopping 84% of the fourth dimension. (1)

Instead opt for something original, with a little more pizazz. With the goal being, that whatsoever message you send, it gives him something he can hands and quickly reply back to.

Related – 130 Flirty Text Messages To Transport To A Guy That Yous But Met (All-time Of The Best Examples)

Ask him open ended questions

3. Ask Him Open Ended Questions

The goal is to have him text you back, and keep the conversation going right? Then the all-time way to do this is to inquire him a question that will spark conversation. One mode to practice this is to ask him an open ended question.

Open ended questions are questions that can't be answered by a "yes' or a "no" or some such other one word answer. Open concluded questions, requite the give-and-take somewhere to become.

Instead of falling apartment and fading. They are also a practiced way to show interest in him.

For example if you transport your boilerplate run of the mill question similar "How was your day?" . You will more than ofttimes, than not, become an reply similar "Skilful", "Ok" or "fine."

Instead text him an open ended question like…

"What was the best part of your day?". This prompts him to share something specific.

Which in turn, gives y'all something you can easily respond to and the conversation flowing.

Find Common Ground With A Shared Interest

four. Discover Mutual Basis With A Shared Involvement

One the best means to strike upwardly a conversation with a guy you like is to bring up shared interests or experiences.

A dear of the same music, books, or a passion for tacos?  Whatever it is at that place'south a cute opener in there.

5. Inquire Him For A Recommendation

People honey sharing their recommendations. If yous know he's into music, ask which album yous should listen to adjacent. If he's a foodie, yous can ask him, which restaurant has the best Sushi in boondocks. Or what his favorite neighborhood hot spots are. The sky's the limit really.

  • "I went to ( x place ) last night, the food was amazing! Whatsoever more recommendations? **smiley face emoji**"

From there, who knows? You may even notice yourself agreeing to a date at one of his (or your) favorite spots around boondocks.

six. Make A Popular Civilization Reference

Sometimes sending something unexpected is i of the best ways to start a chat. For instance, a pop culture reference could be simply the ticket to a fun and engaging substitution.

For example, y'all could surprise him past request that age onetime question

  • "Did Ross and Rachel ever really break upwardly?"

Then see what happens next.

seven. Go For The Puppy

Nosotros've all heard that a human's stomach is the way to his centre. Simply the next best thing is of class, man's all-time friend. Either his dog (or his true cat etc.)

Besides, anybody loves to talk about their pet. It's a uncomplicated opener that gives the your substitution with him somewhere to go.

Be bold! Starting the conversation shows your confidence.

8. Be Bold!

Evidence your interest and confidence by outright acknowledging that you lot're making the first motility. A mod woman who goes subsequently what she wants. And couldn't requite a toss well-nigh outdated texting rules.

How To Approach A Guy Through Text (Instance)…

  • "Since nosotros had such a great chat last dark, I decided to bypass the three-day rule and text you.*smiley face emoji*"

nine. Send Him A Funny GIF or Meme

Sending a funny GIF or Meme, works like a charm, and can effortlessly have the conversation in a fun management. After all, who doesn't like getting a funny meme?

Along with the photo, gif, meme etc., text him one of these examples below…

  • "Thoughts?" Or "Why is this and so funny to me right now".
  • Or ask him "What'due south your get-to meme?"
  • Transport him a funny good forenoon text for example "Expert morning! How y'all doin?" [then insert a gif with Joey'southward sly smile]

A quick word on sending funny gif, meme'south etc. They they work as an opener, because there's some context for him to reply to. Avoid sending simply a string of emojis equally a conversation starter. As they accept much less context, and many people don't usually know how to reply to them.

In the instance below I suggest a amend way of using emoji's as an icebreaker.

Emoji's can be great conversation starters

10. Use the Power Of The Emoji

Using emoji's is a fun fashion to help break the ice with that guy you lot've been crushing on. Too beingness fun and a flake unexpected. You too take a high probability of getting a reply dorsum from him.

There's too prove that people who utilise emoji's may have a more than satisfying dating life. According to a report published in the journal  PLoS ONE based on reach from the The Kinsey Constitute (2).  Where they establish a link between those who frequently use emoji's with potential dates, as having more sex. As well every bit, a more than successful and agile dating life. (3)

However yous must you lot this method in a very specific way.

Every bit mentioned higher up in #8, if yous're just getting to know a guy don't just transport him a string of emojis. Because without any context, he may not know how to reply to you. Instead comprise the playfulness of emoji's past using one of the examples below.

Ii examples that you can text him to break the ice and start a conversation are…

  • "Which emoji best captures your essence?"
  • "Which emoji'due south sums up your mean solar day so far?"

And then depending on what he sends, you can start a lively and interesting give-and-take from that point on.

Pick up where your conversation left off

xi. Pick Upwardly A Where A Previous Conversation Left Off

If yous've communicated earlier in person, online or over text. Then referencing something that he mentioned in a previous conversation, is a good place to start.

Picking up where you left off last time is a nice way of naturally standing the conversation over text. It'south also an piece of cake way to strengthen and build on a previous connection.

You can either send him a message that references something that you lot talked about that you had in common. Or show your involvement in him, by request him more about a detail interest or hobby he has.

12. Ask Him A Leading Question

If you know a piffling groundwork well-nigh the guy you're texting then you lot can ask him a leading question. Then because it's something that you are sure that he already knows the answer to. It volition be piece of cake to get a quick response from him. Once you hear dorsum, your text exchange can evolve from there.

13. Mention Something From His Online Dating or App Profile

Dating profiles are gilded mines for chat starters. You can simply comment on something random he's written. Or mention a hobby or interest that you accept in common. For case, music genres, netflix shows, movies, podcasts, restaurants etc. The list is endless really.

Texting Examples…

  • "I noticed you were wearing a shirt for *X Band.* I love X song, which one's your favorite?"
  • "Where was that picture show of you on a mountain taken? It looks cute there."

And who knows? Once bond over a shared involvement, it made even lead to planning a date.

How To Get-go A Conversation With Your Crush Through Text

Have a point to your conversation

14. Go on Your Text Brief(ish).

There's no need to bombard your new crush with a 3 scroll text essay, right out of the gate. Also, short texts are neat openers because create an opportunity for playful barrack. Which helps to ensure that your conversation flows.

And then continue it short and sweetness. With only a few lines, at near.

15.  Exit Him Wanting More than

Ever effort to end the conversation first. Why? Because knowing when to make a graceful exit, communicates total confidence. Too, that you lot have something going on with your life. Both of which are very bonny qualities to a high value man.

Too if you lot're the i that always ends the exchange first, so yous're the ane holding all the cards. Not just sitting around waiting around for him to respond.

flirty texts for him

sixteen. Have A Point To Your Conversation

When you're first texting a guy, yous want to brand sure that there is a point to the conversation. Otherwise your discussion will be more than probable to loose momentum and fizzle out. Probably not what you had in heed when conversing with your trounce.

Before sending him a bulletin consider what the point of your discussion will be. That manner you lot don't get stuck in a typical "how are you" scenario that leaves the conversation nowhere to get.

This as well helps you to experience a flake more than in command and less anxious. Every bit y'all're getting that first awkwardness out of the way. Ensuring that your exchange with him feels fresh and stays focused.

Text him at the right time of day.

17. Keep In Mind The Time Of Day

Of course you don't know his schedule, simply timing your text is important to consider. For instance, sending a offset text early in the morning on a weekday may be less likely to reply. And consider this, once all of those emails, and assorted other tasks of a decorated work day start piling upwards. He could even totally forget that you texted him at all.

If you desire to transport him a text during the work week, I notice that the late afternoon or early evening tend to work best. As most of the mean solar day will be behind him and you will be more likely to become a reply from him.

These aren't hard and fast rules. Only generally speaking when information technology comes to weekends, the ideal time to go a reply is mid-morning or early afternoon.

Avoid texting him tardily at night. Which can make y'all look needy or desperate. Which of course you are not, at all.

18. Be Mindful Of Tone

Texting isn't like talking to someone in real life. As the subtle clues that we subconsciously rely on to communicate properly, like tone of voice and body language are missing. And are really hard for someone to infer over text. (iv)

Which means that your text could easily be misinterpreted. One way to avoid this is to add in a few perfectly placed emoji's hither. Which volition help to create more context and tone to your message.

So next, always make certain to to re-read texts before you send them. Which will ensure that the over all tone is articulate and coming across the way you intend it as well.

Flirty conversation starters will get a quick reply from him.

xix. Be Playful & Flirty

Playful banter is ane of the quickest ways to strike up a flirty conversation with a guy. Guy's love this approach and it will, nigh always get a respond dorsum from him.

Keeping it light and flirty at the showtime, is also a practiced way of subtly letting a guy know that you like him. Every bit more than a friend.

Though yous want to keep in listen that you lot don't desire to come on besides potent. Which could potentially transport him the wrong bulletin. Remember classy not trashy.

A flirty text instance…

"Watching a movie and the principal grapheme looks a lot like y'all… except, obviously, not nigh as cute…;)"

For more than flirty and irresistible text message ideas check out our postal service here >> Clever Texts To Send To A Guy You Like and here >> 200+ Flirty Questions To Enquire A Guy (That He Won't Be Able To Resist)

How Non to Start a Conversation with a Guy Over Text (Don't Exercise This!)

xx. Don't Ship Him A Bunch Of Texts In A Row

If you've already sent him a text then you must resist the urge to send anymore until he responds dorsum to you.

Yous also want to avoid triple texting, rapid fire texting, or auto gun texting him. Which is when you fire off 1 text afterward the other several times in a row.

Y'all may think it's cute. But it's more probable to come across every bit needy and drastic.

 how to have a conversation with a guy

21. Don't Utilize His Name

I often see articles recommending that you utilise someone's name in a text. Considering people love hearing their name and it makes them feel special. While aye, in person and in real life situations that is true. Information technology doesn't apply to texting (or online messages for that matter).

In fact, after years of studying what works when building new connections in dating, I highly recommend that yous don't use someone's proper name in a text. Likewise being overly formal and awkward, it sends a hidden message that you lot are indeed a stranger.

Think about it this way, when y'all text a friend do you employ their name? No, of course not. That would be weird. Aforementioned applies here. Just people that you don't actually know or take any foundation with would e'er say your name.

When texting a potential love involvement you want your conversation to feel as welcoming and natural. So just go head and ship him a text like you would when texting a friend.

22. Don't Be Sarcastic

Laughter is the best medicine. However, when it comes to texts you accept to proceed in mind that jokes that work in real life don't always interpret to texts. Sarcasm is a perfect instance of this. Which often can come beyond in a text every bit either snarky or passive aggressive.

Probably non what you had in mind when trying to get a convo going with a new guy.

how to strike up a conversation with a guy

23. Avoid Request Him To Many Questions

Asking a question to begin a conversation is platonic. Also as, asking related questions as yous keep. But don't just send question later question. Because information technology may brand your conversation begin to feel more similar an interrogation or an interview.

In addition, make sure that yous also share a bit virtually yourself as you go along. As it as well, will give him a risk to inquire y'all a few questions and show his involvement in you.

24. Don't Wait Too Long To Reply To Him

When you're trying to get a chat going, flow is key. Just like when you're considering when it volition be a adept time to send him that first message. You also need to brand sure, that you actually have time to have a conversation with him.

Although, it's not like you have to reply instantly. There needs to be an opportunity for your convo to flow. This is also important considering if he replies to you right away and it takes you lot hours to respond back. It may come across as being aristocratic or that you are playing games.

25. Avoid Serious Topics

When starting a conversation with a guy over text, it'southward best to stick to openers that are light and playful. Getting into deeply personal details while essential to developing a new relationship, are best saved for in person.

Instead stick to connecting over more lifestyle related topics. Such as piece of work, hobbies, music, books, shows etc.

how to strike up a conversation with a guy

26. Don't Freak Out If He Doesn't Respond Immediately

I know that sending a text and non getting a answer back from him right away tin feel completely stressful and agonizing. Withal it'south important to proceed those anxious thoughts in check.

Considering fifty-fifty though y'all may have sent a advisedly crafted text and timed it perfectly. You don't know what'due south going on with him.

Just because he doesn't text you lot back correct away, does non hateful he doesn't like you. Or want to reply to you. Information technology just means he's not available at the moment. He could be doing whatever number of things.

And so take a deep breath and focus on doing something good for yourself until you hear back.

27. Don't Hide Behind Your Telephone

Texting is a great first footstep for touching base with that guy you're burdensome on. But information technology's non ideal for creating the kind of deep connection that lead to a serious long-term commitment.

If you actually similar this guy, then it's essential to brand sure that you are taking the fourth dimension to connect in other means too. Like the telephone, or meliorate yet in person on a date.

If you've been texting awhile and feel like the conversation is going well. Then don't be afraid to take it to the next level, by asking him to telephone call you.

Instance of How To Go Him To Telephone call Y'all Instead of Text…

"What a cracking question! You, know, I tin talk faster than I can type. Wanna proceed this chat on the phone?…:)"

iv Signs To Movement On (& Stop Texting Him)

Understanding how to approach a guy through text is a wonderful skill to learn. However, you want to make sure that yous aren't wasting your time on the wrong man. Hither are a few texting signs that he may not be interested in anything serious with you.

1. He Never Texts You lot Commencement

While information technology show's total confidence to transport that kickoff message. Yous don't desire to be doing that every time. Because the truth is that if he's actually interested he volition likewise text y'all showtime on a regular and continuous basis.

two. He Runs Hot and Cold

Does he seem to run hot and common cold? I calendar week texting you not-stop, then the next you don't hear from him for days?

If his communication is inconsistent, information technology could be a sign that not only is he not interested in a human relationship with y'all. And non only that, you might actually just exist ane of many women that he's keeping as an option.

3. He Only Texts Y'all Belatedly At Night

The guy that only texts yous late at night is in all likelihood 1 you will want to cross off your list of potential suitors. Yous probably know the blazon. The guy that repeatedly asks you lot for pictures, and sends 1 word "Heyy!" texts at 11PM. The 1 that almost always endeavor to plow the conversation sexual too fast.

These guy is the player type that you want to avert at all costs. Even if he'southward beautiful, funny and successful. Considering this beliefs is a clear sign that he'due south more Player than Prince, and it's time to move on.

4. He'south Non Moving The Relationship Frontward

Texting is a smashing manner to bespeak interest to a guy that you've had your eye on. But from there information technology'due south vital to take a step back and come across if he starts to come to you.

If he'southward interested in you, he will consistently respond back within a reasonable amount of time. He will enquire you questions and seem genuinely interested in getting to know you.

He will move the relationship forward by making plans and taking y'all on dates. If he'south not doing that. Well then information technology may exist fourth dimension to consider that he's not interested in anything serious with you.

How To Starting time A Text Conversation With A Guy

Learning different ways to start a conversation with a guy and approach him through text is an essential function of modern dating. Though yous may feel shy or intimidated, remember that making that first move is actually very attractive. Because it helps you stand out from the crowd, and shows him that you're a totally confident adult female.

And 1 last piece of advice? Try not to overthink it. Getting to know a new guy should be fun! Don't let worry or feet have over, by getting defenseless up in trying to send him the perfect bulletin. Even if it all goes sideways, you tin can always try again with a dissimilar guy.

And if it does well? Well that that'due south dandy, y'all've successfully learned a new skill! And you now know 27 astonishing means to start a conversation with a guy over text.



PS.Want to meet a loftier quality man? Become your complimentary guide 44 Places To Meet A High Quality man Click Hither.

What To Read Next – Texting and Dating Communication

Should A Guy You're Dating Text You lot Everyday?

150 Cute & Flirty Good Morn Texts For Him

How to Text A Guy (Without Turning Him Off Completely)

150+ Flirty Would You Rather Questions (Witty, Fun, Funny, For Him or Her)

Save this list of 27 Unlike Ways To Start A Conversation With A Guy Over Text (+ Fun & Flirty Examples) on Pinterest…

27 Smart ways to start a conversation with a guy over text.

Photo Credits – Pexels, Unsplash, Gify

How To Confirm A Date With A Guy Via Text,


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