
Fallout 4 Alt Tab Fix


27 Jan, 2020 @ eight:30pm

Originally posted by Lil C-ew C-ew is ಥ﹏ಥ:

Don't alt+tab...stop with this bad habbit. Alt+tab twice get the screen resolved in my unusual situations if doesn't aid to you then end alt+tab.

yeah i take that.. i used information technology and it didnt work cause modded? do i accept to add f4se loader?

Originally posted by Pyrocitor:

yeah i accept that.. i used information technology and it didnt work cause modded? practise i have to add together f4se loader?

Too bad I can't solve all of your questions and since I don't utilize Fallout four script extender plugin I can't tell if y'all need that. Check Nexus website almost the plugin FAQ page.

you lot tin fix it to borderless in the ini file without the need for spending money on a third political party program.
It's a known fact that Bugthesda games hate Alt+Tab. I usually play in windowed mode so I don't have to and I have it set for borderless in the ini.

I but tested ALT + TAB and its working fine on my system without an issue

I use Fallout 4 in windowed mode, but I do it via the ini.

> Discover you fallout4pref.ini
> Change the following lines
- bBorderless= > bBorderless=ane
- bFull Screen= > bFull Screen=0
- iSize H= > iSize H=(current resolution acme)
- iSize W= > iSize W=(current resolution width)

Then set to 'read but' one time finished.

Originally posted past Sabaithal:

I use Fallout 4 in windowed mode, just I practise it via the ini.

> Detect you fallout4pref.ini
> Change the following lines
- bBorderless= > bBorderless=1
- bFull Screen= > bFull Screen=0
- iSize H= > iSize H=(current resolution height)
- iSize W= > iSize West=(current resolution width)

Then set to 'read only' once finished.

Do it in Fallout4Custom.ini. Leave Fallout4Prefs.ini alone since information technology's the file used by the game OPTIONS menu. Even less fix it read-only: then you go to OPTIONS menu and it doesn't apply modifications or the game crashes because windows says the game where it can shove its attempt to modify the file.

It'southward not so hard to spot the CUSTOM word. If some section("[Display]" or whatever word between square brackets) doesn't exists you create it, if some fundamental=value pair line doesn't exists yous create it. You lot got Fallout4Prefs.ini every bit a reference for settings that can be inverse besides every bit Fallout4.ini, though is better to be informed before changing settings manually: some values might not be safe, others might cause cool performance striking or even crash the game.

Every bit for load club:

Fullscreen games have yet to cooperate properly with alt-tab-ing. I've had this issue in just about every game, despite running at desktop resolution and refresh rate. Just occasionally, I'll have to allow my domestic dog out or something and my PC will go to screensaver while the game is paused. When this happens, the game minimizes and wont switch back properly.

The only solution I've found is to take something else active on the desktop (IE, the steam app window) that y'all can switch to. Alt-tab wont have y'all back to the game; you take to get to your desktop and apply the taskbar/starting time carte du jour to bring the game back up. Some games will reply to the windows key, minimize the game, and accept you to desktop... FO4 doesn't. The whole switching procedure takes a minute, but your game isnt crashing.


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